Favorite Exercise?

Inspired by a question asked of a speaker for my friend, Sandi Griffin’s 12-week Fitness Challenge, I am prompted to discuss my “favorite exercises at the gym.”

It might be surprising that, as an exercise physiologist, I would say that “I hate exercise.” It is true. I often tell the story of a guy who is hitting himself in the forehead with a two-by-four. When asked “Why?”, he responds, “Because it feels so good when I stop.”

We don’t have to “like” exercise. We don’t have a “favorite exercise.” We just have to like the results that we get. Often, the greater the “suck” the better the results. The benefits of exercise come after the gym. The hard work—whatever the exercise—pays.

Now, I do have preferences with exercise. My preferences, however, don’t mean my “favorites” are the “best.” The best exercises are the exercises that are suited to your goals and that you will do regularly. I prefer weight lifting and high-intensity interval training. I like to keep things simple and stick to the basics—variations of the ‘basic 5’ (squat, deadlift, bench, row, and overhead press) with some accessory work. I like my Bulgarian bag. Others have different preferences. My exercise is effective because I do it. I do it regularly, and I do it safely and consistently. Consistency and Commitment are what produce results.

Favorite exercise? The one I am doing in the moment.

Be your best today; Be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

One thought on “Favorite Exercise?”

  1. Love this! Just trying to find some new favorites which are going to be the ones that give me the most results! Thanks!

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