Why Not (Now)?

“For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?”—James Allen

Those who will never find success are likely to ask only one question: Why me? Note that I did not write “failures.” True success will have many failures along the path. This is inevitable if we have a growth mindset and are focused on the “why not?” questions.

The first question of true success is often the easiest. After all, whoever says to themselves: “I want to be a failure because…”? We know our “why.” We often get stuck in the “why not.” The “Why not?” question too often opens the door to excuses. We make it a bit farther along the path than the person who locks on their excuses (i.e., the “Why me?” person) before discovering their “why.”

Asking the question: “Why not me?” takes ownership of the opportunity. It addresses the obstacles and the perceived limitations.

Asking ourselves: “Why not now?” gives us the sense of immediacy. It denies power to any excuse. It empowers us with the sense of urgency. It demands a plan of action (thus disallowing any excuse for inaction).

Want something? Go for it! Ask yourself: “Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?”

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!!

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