Water is b-o-r-i-n-g.

We are told to drink more water. It is good for us. Of course, it is. Unfortunately, it flavorless. It is boring. No matter how hard we try, it is difficult for some of us to get 8-10 glasses (or more) a day. So, how do we keep ourselves well-hydrated (and no coffee, beer, wine, pop/soda, etc. don’t count!)?

A friend recently asked me how to get more hydration when one doesn’t particularly like drinking water. Our mutual friend Ken’s response was “squirts.” (I admit, my strange sense of humor went in all directions with this.) What he meant—and what is a great idea—are the liquid water enhancers, like MIO brand. I use these in my workout drinks to flavor the creatine. A squirt in water adds electrolytes and a touch of flavor to the water. I also like water with a shot of lime or lemon juice. One friend suggested this with a touch non-caloric sweetener. I often start the day with a glass of water with a 1/8 teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt and a shot of lime juice (it is supposed to have health benefits and wakes me up better than the first cup of coffee.

Ideally, drink water—plain water—at least most of the time.  If it is hard to get you 8-10 glasses (I try—though most often fail—to drink 8 ounces every waking hour or a gallon a day) add a little flavor. As well, don’t pass a drinking fountain or take a few gulps of water on a regular basis. Set a trigger to drink water. Heck, make it a drinking game. (Remember those in college? “Bob” was a fun one when watching the Newhart or Bob Newhart Show.)

Make drinking water your SIDCHA (self-imposed daily challenging healthy activity, per Josh Spodek—see my post from August 12, 2016). SIDCHAs (pronounced: sid-cha) are a great exercise to develop discipline. It is a great way to make drinking water a habit. Force a few gulps at the top of the hour. Carry a gallon jug of water and make yourself finish it. “Squirt” if you have to (maybe weaning down the squirts over time).

Yes, water is boring but there are far too many benefits to avoid it.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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