The Great Bambino.

“Let me tell you something kid; Everybody gets one chance to do something great. Most people never take the chance, either because they’re too scared, or they don’t recognize it when it spits on their shoes.”—‘The Babe’ in Sandlot

I would not say that everybody only gets one chance to do something great, but the movie Sandlot does teach us a great lesson: take advantage of the opportunity.  “The Babe” was correct in says that “most people never take the chance, either because they’re too scared, or they don’t recognize it when it spits on their shoes.”  We tend to fail to seize the moment—to carpe momento.  It is a pity.

Sandlot is no one of my go-to personally motivating sports films, but it is a great movie and the above quotation was suggested by a friend when I asked the question: “What is your favorite, most inspiring, sports movie and scene?”  So, why not include it in the series?  In its light-hearted way, the movie does encourage us to go for it (think of the scene where Smalls fakes drowning to steal a kiss from the lifeguard—worth getting kicked out of the pool for the summer!).

Do you have a dream of greatness?  What is holding you back?  (Don’t make me come spit on your shoes!)  Now is your moment to be (extra)ordinary.  Don’t think that greatness is beyond your reach.  Greatness is achieved within our circle of influence.  The opportunity to do something great is always present.  Greatness is within all of us.

Carpe momento!!


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