
As an academic, the rather new trend toward “safe-zones” on college campuses has been on my mind lately. First, let it be clear that I am not a fan of bullying or harassment of any kind. We should respect all persons and be considerate of opposing views. There is, however, something quite disheartening about this trend.

Of all places, academia should be the place where individuals are free to discuss ideas, no matter how uncomfortable they might make us feel. This is, indeed, the stimulus for growth. Sure, ideas are scary. Sure, we may feel threatened and even hated by ideas that are contrary to our belief system. But, this should be okay.

We are becoming a society that is overly protective of feelings and “self-esteem.” We are offended and on guard against causing offense at every turn. No longer does the playground saying apply: “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” This is not healthy! This is not emotional well-centeredness.

Initially, to my understanding, the concept of a “safe-zone” on a college campus was to provide a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for the LBGTQ community. This is great. Everyone should feel safe and included. Where I become troubled is where campuses shut down free thought. We need to open the flow of ideas and learn to be inclusive through the challenges of being diverse communities. Ignorance is a reality. It is not a disease or something of which we should be afraid. Truth be told, we are all ignorant in our own ways.   All too often, I see people who consider themselves “open-minded” but are no less ignorant than those they label as “intolerant.”   Paradoxically, these people are so open-minded that they become close-minded to views that are less progressive.

If we are to call ourselves “well-centered”—spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially—we must allow ideas (no matter how offensive) to be discussed openly—and civilly. If we oppose a view, then it is on us to win people to our point of view or tolerate the views of others. Society cannot endure the increasing barriers that divide us. We need to have our ideas challenged. We need to be hurt at times and to be moderately offended. We need to be free to cause the occasional offend (that is, the honest, unintentional offense) so that we may learn and grow. We need to learn to have less fragile egos.

Let us not need safe-zones; because, we value life and love our neighbor. Let us neither cause offense nor be offended. Let education be a space where ideas flow and minds are developed. Let’s not become so open-minded that we become closed to alternative ideas (or close-minded that we can’t be open to alternative ideas).

Be your best today; be better tomorrow!

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