How bad do you want it?

“It doesn’t matter how much you want. What really matters is how much you want it. The extent and complexity of the problem does not matter was much as does the willingness to solve it.”–Ralph Marston

We all have goals in life. We should have goals in our lives. But are these really goals or are they mere wishes?

What differentiates a goal from a wish? DETERMINATION!!

Do you get up in the morning with the same desire for things to get better, or do you wake up with a plan to make things better?

I tell my children all the time that “Can’t never did anything.” Likewise, it is my desire for them to know that they can do whatever they aspire to do. Will is a powerful ally.

Certainly one will make the argument the “’Can’t never did anything’ does not apply to….” Ah, but impossible rarely applies. Perhaps doing will be hard and no one has done it, but the only thing stopping us from doing the “impossible” is the willingness to try.

I love the story about Craig Dietz, a Pittsburgh attorney born with no arms or legs. Someone forgot to tell him that a man in his condition cannot swim. If someone did, he failed to listen, because he manages to swim some impressive distances.

The stories of success in the face of “insurmountable” odds are limitless. Check out Kyle Maynard, the first quadruple amputee to ascend Mount Kilimanjaro without the aid of prosthetics (also finished 12th as a wrestler in the 103-pound weight class at the National High School Wrestling Championships; or Anthony Robles, who concluded his Arizona State wrestling career with a record of 122-23 and was a three-time Pac-10 wrestling champion, as well as a three-time All-American; or…the list goes on.

Indeed, the only limits to success are in our minds. If we desire something, the question we need to ask ourselves is “what is stopping me?” Once our limitations are identifies, we need only determine to overcome them. It is easy to see what is stopping us. Our greatest challenge is to believe we can.

To what do you aspire? Is it a wish, or have you made the decision to accomplish it no matter the obstacles?

Carpe momento!

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