The Life of the Millennial—Part 6/7

According to a Business Insider there are “7 ways life is harder for millennials than it was for their parents”*.  These include:

1. Millennials are less financially stable than previous generations were.

2. Millennials are saddled with student debt — but a college education is more necessary than ever.

3. Millennial men are more likely to live at home with their parents than previous generations were.

4. Millennials are overwhelmed by the dating pool.

5. Millennials feel as if they have to be “always on” at work.

6. Millennials’ self-image erodes in the face of ever-present social media.

7. Millennials are shelling out more on childcare than previous generations were.

In this final installment, I want to continue to address how I see that millennials have opportunities previous generations never had.

Millennials’ self-image erodes in the face of ever-present social media.  Apparently, Facebook, Twitter, etc. make us compare ourselves to others more now than in pre-social media generations.  Seemingly, the endless selfies and status updates are outside of our locus of control.  Nonsense!  One’s involvement in the “ever-present social media” is a personal choice.  We decide how much or how little time we spend on social media.  So, stop!

Social media can also connect people in ways they never could before.  Let’s use social media wisely.  Take an “I am third” approach to social media.

Millennials are shelling out more on childcare than previous generations were.  Now, this is unfortunate.  On top of college debt and lower earning, this makes life all the more difficult.  Again, there are choices to be made.  Wisdom suggests one should wait to be financially sound before starting a family.  If family happens, then sacrifice will be necessary.  If it is not too late, millennials can still learn and practice delayed gratification.

The millennial life is difficult.  Every generation had its difficulties.  The next generations will have theirs.  See these as opportunities not burdens.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!



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