“When Should I Do Cardio?”

We all have limited time to exercise.  Thus, we want to be as effective with what we do as possible.  Remember, for cardiorespiratory health, it is recommended by the American Heart Association that one do 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise five days a week or 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise three days a week.  On top of this, one might want to lift weights, stretch, and some HIIRT.  How to fit this all in is a challenge—“opportunity costs”.

There is some evidence that the best time for fat-burning cardio is in a fasted state—i.e., first thing in the morning.  Depending on your schedule and goals, this may not be possible.

So, in answer to the question: “When should I do cardio?”, the answer is: “When you can.”  For performance training, it might be necessary to balance cardiorespiratory training around carbohydrate intake.  For balancing muscle hypertrophy and cardiorespiratory performance, the answer become a bit more complicated.  The answer is complicated but not impossible.  It is an issue of time management.

It is all a matter of time management.  If one can manage, more frequent training session are ideal.  In other words, spread cardio, weights, and HIIRT (and possible throw in some yoga) over multiple sessions—including two or more sessions per day, separated by at least 6 hours, if possible.  If not possible, carefully combine training to maximize the benefits and recovery.

If cardiorespiratory endurance is the priority (e.g., a distance runner), then timing of the weight training is less critical—as long as it doesn’t interfere with full recovery.  Since cardio performance is the goal, it would be important to do cardio before weights so as to not impede performance.

If strength performance and hypertrophy are the priority, then it should be trained as the priority.  Reserve cardio training for after weights.  Ideally, do separate sessions.  If this is not possible, end the exercise session with cardio.

Manage your time relative to your goals.  If your goals are more lofty than most, then you need to find more time.  Train to your goals.  Feed and recover according to your training.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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