Conservation of energy.

“Consider becoming the type of energy that no matter where you go, or where you are, you always add value to the spaces and lives of those around you.”—Anonymous

Remember science class: the law of conservation of energy?  The law of conservation of energy states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed.  Physical energy—chemical, mechanical, thermal, electrical, etc.—is rather obvious.  There is also a Spiritual energy—that is perhaps closely associated with Physical energy.

When we begin to examine life at a subatomic level, we find energy that runs between all life.  We find that as we explore the Physical there is a Spiritual connection that exists among all.  Remember that the Spiritual dimension of well-centered fitness is defined as a belief that there is something greater than self.  I see quantum physics as an opening to the understanding of the Spiritual-Physical connection.

One need not understand quantum physics or get overly philosophical or theological to see that we all have a certain unquantifiable “energy” that we radiate.  We often discuss this as “positive” or “negative”—though it is likely much more complex than this.

I saw the above quote this morning, and it inspired me to consider this “Spiritual energy”.  If Newtonian physics could be applied to the Spiritual dimension, Newton’s first law (every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion unless compelled to change its state by an external force) would apply.  According to the quote and the application of Newton’s first law, we are adding or removing value to the spaces and lives around us by the energy we radiate.  Unless dead or comatose, we are radiating some energy.  The nature of said energy is largely a matter of choice.

With this understanding, it is, of course, obvious that we are affected by the energy that surrounds us.  This is where I like to apply Jim Rohn’s statement that “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”  Certainly, we are affected by all people with whom we come in contact, but it is most important with whom we most associate—and the contribution of energy we make it is also important.  The negativity of the one can bring down the energy in the room.  Conversely, the positive energy of just one can profoundly affect the surrounding space.

What separates this “Spiritual energy” from Physical energy is the matter of will.  We determine the energy we exude and choose to either absorb or counter the energy in our surrounding space.  Thus, we choose the type of energy—i.e., positive or negative—that we bring into the space and lives around us.  No matter what is happening around us, our response is under our control.

Psychologists talk of “locus of control”—whether we feel we are in control of our circumstances (i.e., internal locus of control) or circumstances are in control of us (i.e., external locus of control).  Now, we all know that “stuff happens” (Forrest Gump)—good and bad.  We do not have absolute control over the circumstances of our lives.  We do, however, have control over our response.  The degree to which we accept responsibility for our response affects the degree to which “stuff” affects us.

So, as we go forth in our lives, today, may we choose to be positive energy and “always add value to the spaces and lives of those around (us)”.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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