There is no “try”, and “Can’t” never did anything.

“Do or do not, there is no try.”—Yoda

If you don’t frequently call into Dr. Rob Gilbert’s “Success Hotline”—(973) 743-4690—I recommend you do.  You will be motivated.

The other day, I watched a short video on Wrestling Mindset with Dr. Gilbert explaining that there “is no try”.  He asks Gene Zanetti to pick up a chair, which he easily does.  He asks him to not pick up the chair, which he easily does not.  Then, of course, Dr. Gilbert asks him to try to pick up the chair, which, of course, he cannot.  It is a simple, yet fascinating, demonstration.  There simply is no such thing as “trying”.  We either do or we don’t.  (Yoda is, indeed, wise.)

I often refer to the saying that “in wrestling there are no losers, only winners and learners”.  We either doing or we are not.  We are succeeding or failing—both are better than doing nothing.

I pass on to my children a lesson a pastor friend taught us years ago.  “’Can’t’ never did anything.”  I don’t allow the word.  One who says he or she “can’t” do something believes that there is a “try” but refuses to exert the effort.  “Can’t” does do anything.  “Can” may fail—and fail often—but it does.  “Can” keeps doing until it is done right.

If we are asked to lift something that is beyond our strength capacity, this does not mean we “can’t”.  It means we have not yet acquired the necessary strength.  If what we are asked to lift is bolted to the floor, again, this does not mean we “can’t”.  It means we haven’t loosened the bolts.

To do what we desire to do does not involve “trying”.  Doing requires the proper preparation and exertion of effort.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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