The dichotomy of Opportunity.

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”–Winston Churchill

My friend, Andy Lausier (Davidson College head wrestling coach;, has taught me to shift my mindset from “have” to “get”. I call it “grattitude” (gratitude + attitude). This mindfulness demonstrates the dichotomy of Opportunity. In all situations, we have a choice is how we act and/or respond to our circumstances. We are either (fill in the blank) or we are not.

I am either grateful or I am not. There is no such thing as being “a little bit grateful”.

When I allow my attitude to sour in one corner of my life, it affects all corners. Somedays, it feels like all our energy goes toward being negative. We can put on a façade and try and mask it, but it is there. We can also let it consume us. Either way, it drives out anything and everything positive. We often think in terms of “good and evil” and “light and darkness” and apply these both Physically and Spiritually. Both represent an interesting reality. Good and light have no maximums. Conversely, evil and darkness are the absence of their counterpart—e.g., total darkness is the total absence of light (there is no infinite dark). Likewise, we cannot “hate more” or be “more ungrateful”. Love supercedes hate. Joy supplants sorrow. Peace…turmoil. Patience…impatience. Kindness…wickedness. Goodness…badness. Faithfulness…unfaithfulness. Gentleness…harshness. Discipline…self-indulgence. Gratitude replaces ingratitude.

Anytime my grattitude falters, I have missed an opportunity for contentment, happiness, etc. Fortunately, time always provides a new opportunity.  Always, there is opportunity to be more grateful, to be happier, to be more of a light in the darkness.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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