Resolutions begin today–2020.

“Stop setting goals. Goals are pure fantasy unless you have a specific plan to achieve them.”—Stephen Covey

Many are planning to make life-changes beginning January 1st.  First: why wait? Today is the better time to start.

Personally, I am not a fan of New Year Resolutions for many reasons. I believe that goals can be set at any time—not just at the beginning of the year. I also agree with Stephen Covey—they are fantasies if not accompanied by a solid specific plan for accomplishing them.

As we approach the new year, have a plan for exercise and diet to avert holiday gains (in fat) and losses (in muscle and conditioning). Be proactive.

If you have goals for 2020? Start now, but start with a plan. Establish specific mileposts and map your path.

Baby steps.



Most New Year’s Resolutions are conveniently ambiguous—e.g., “I am going to lose weight”, “I am going to eat healthier”, “I am going to be nicer”, etc. When we write goals like these we have no intention of making meaningful change.

“Meaningful” change? In other words, set goals that are difficult and life-effecting. Losing ten pounds, for example, is meaningless if one is going to gain 20 back. Moreover, it is less meaningful if one has a hundred to lose or if one does not change the unhealthy habits that led to the weight (fat) gain in the first place. “Meaningful” should include change for the sake of others above self.

Rather than a list of New Year Resolutions, create a growth plan for 2020. Resolve to…

be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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