
I just watched a video on Tough Mudder UK’s Facebook. It was of four men scaling a wall that I am guessing was about 18-20 feet high. Alone, it would be seemingly impossible. As a team of four, it was seemingly improbable. Nevertheless, all four men made it to the top. First, three of the men formed a pyramid to allow the fourth to climb their backs. At the top the first man straddles the wall, hanging his right leg and arm for the second man, standing on the shoulders of the others, to grab onto his leg and be pulled by his arm to the top. What followed was simply amazing and skillful. The third man was raised to the shoulders of the fourth to grab the feet of one hanging by his arms to reach the feet of the other hanging from his waist. The one, then, pulled himself to the top, turned, and reached for the third to pull him up. The fourth climber reached the top by jumping to grab the feet of one hanging by his hands (supported by another), climbing to the feet of the second who was hanging by his arms. The first then pulled up to where he was hanging by his arms for the four to climb to the reach of the third, who pulled him to the top. It was impressive. It was also a lesson in teamwork. There is not much we can’t accomplish when we use our heads and work together.

Growth and “self”-improvement are not accomplished in solitude. We must work together—often sacrificing for the sake of others. Most importantly, the one who reaches the top first has the responsibility to turn and to use his (or her) success to the benefit of others.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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