Masks will not make us healthy.

Mask mandates are back in effect as COVID-19 cases spike, yet again. Despite a lack of evidence that mask work any more effectively than simple physical distancing and hand hygiene,1 this seems to be the go-to approach of our political leadership. While, certainly, such precautions are crucial for the protection of those most vulnerable to infection (e.g., the elderly and those with suppressed immune systems), we seem to be going about this all wrong.

Rather than focusing on strengthening our immune defenses, we are further weakening them. We are closing ourselves off indoors (where ventilation is often quite poor—especially as we move into the cooler months). We are not focused on getting healthier, and what politician has mandated that gyms be open and that people exercise? Why has there been no war declared on obesity and physical inactivity? We are anxiously awaiting supplies of vaccines believing this to be our salvation. We choose to ignore that the very risk factors for severe complications from COVID-19 decrease the effectiveness of vaccines.

It is only recently that I have begun to see articles recognizing that exercise and weight loss may actually protect against COVID-19. This is not new information. It has been well-known for years that physical inactivity and obesity are major contributors to disease and the weakening of our immune systems. We are told to wear masks, stay at home, and wait patiently for a vaccine when we should have been told from the onset to focus on personal health. Indeed, we should be avoiding large gatherings, but the limits being set are all too often subjective and not based on any real science.

With pathogens that are airborne—as the COVID-19 virus is—ventilation becomes far more important than mask. Open windows. Avoid spending prolonged periods in confined spaces. Get outdoors. Breathe fresh air (not through a mask). Respect others. Above all, have a positive attitude.

The level of fear we have been experiencing and this “2020 is such a horrible year” cloud we have be living under (self-imposed, I might add) is a greater risk to our health than not wearing a mask. If gyms are forced to close, raise your voice to your representatives in government and find alternatives for exercise until there is a cure for the cranial-rectal inversion that is pandemic among politicians.

We will be under senseless mandates until we choose to make our personal health a priority. Rather than waiting until New Year Resolutions, resolve today to improve your personal health and to make the environment around you healthier.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

1 see:

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