Lack of opportunity??

I saw the above meme this morning. The list could certainly go on.

Early in my career (immediately following graduation from my first graduate program in exercise physiology) I worked at a racquet/fitness club where there was a salesman who was quite good at tearing down excuses for not joining. One of his best was the excuse of “no time.” He would pull apart your daily schedule—“How many hours do spend sleeping? …working? …eating? …watching T.V.? …?” Quite quickly, he would expose just how much time one had for exercise. He would demonstrate that “life is about choices.”

I have written several times lately about the effect that COVID-19 policies have had on obesity rates—now nearing 40% of the US population; an average weight gain of 29 lb over the period of COVID-19. Indeed, policies can be faulted, but…. Each of us decides for ourselves whether we would move or sit during the lockdowns (which, incidentally, were not for the entire period!). Each decided whether or not to snack on healthy foods or junk food. Many of us were working from home and had a choice of how to use the time gained by not commuting. There was certainly opportunity. It is true that the opportunity was greater for some than others and factors such as geography and socioeconomics play a role, but ultimately, we do make the choices within our circumstances.

As a society, we not only have to make the best individual choices given our circumstances, but we also have to support policies and decisions that best affect the community at-large. We must do better.

Individually, we can take more responsibility. Consider what choices we make and own these. Small personal choices can have big impacts. Lack of opportunity? Really or are we creating excuses? There are always choices (choices beyond just diet and exercise—choices that affect our Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social well-centeredness). Choose wisely.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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