The Cup of Life.

I had a conversation with my Aging Well Podcast cohost (stay tuned for Episode 84, which airs May 21, 2023) about the cup half-full v. half-empty argument. He added the role of positive v. negative mindset (i.e., the cup is always full because it also contains air). Optimism and positivity are important, but I added that we also need to have a ‘growth mindset.’

If we truly want a fulfilling and well-centered life, we need to be growing—the cup needs to be getting bigger. It is emptiness (air) in the cup that provides the impetus to grow—to “be our best today; be better tomorrow.” A cup that is growing (i.e., a growth mindset) will always have some air in it (the cup that runs over is not growing). One with a growth mindset is never satisfied with having a consistent volume of water (the fulfilling and gratifying things in life) in the cup. Instead, they seek more—Spiritually, Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally, and Socially. They seek more not out of greed but of Purpose.

For some, there is undoubtedly a drain in the cup that is beyond their control (and for some within their control). For these, the priority is to plug the hole (e.g., treat a medical condition, get out of a toxic relationship, get sober, stop doing stupid sh**, etc.). Once the hole is plugged, the cup may again begin to fill. The cup can grow.

Life is about growing the cup and filling it Spiritually, Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally, and Socially. To grow the cup is to….

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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