Reaching up and reaching down.

I have been thinking a lot about the impact I have (or don’t have) on others. It is an important part of my mission statement, and, frankly, I often feel that I am having little effect. Thankfully, I get reminders in my periods of deepest doubt. (Grattitude to Zach and Jordawn for their recent uplifting support.) I think we all have a desire to have an impact—a “legacy”, to “leave our mark”, etc. We all have our doubts, as well.

Success is not something we achieve in isolation. It can be said that we succeed in life by reaching up and reaching down. This means that achieving success involves both seeking guidance, inspiration, and mentorship from those who are more accomplished or experienced (reaching up) and offering support, guidance, and mentorship to others who may be in need (reaching down). It also means that encouragement is a two-way path.

Reaching up is the act of seeking out role models, mentors, and individuals who have achieved what we aspire to achieve. They can provide guidance, knowledge, and inspiration to help us grow, learn, and progress on our own journey towards success. It involves challenging ourselves, as well, but allowing ourselves to risk fail by competing with those who are better or more experienced than we are. Reaching up involves recognizing that we can benefit from the wisdom and experience of those who have already achieved what we desire.

Reaching down involves extending a helping hand to those who may need support, guidance, or mentorship. It involves sharing our knowledge, experiences, and resources to uplift and empower others. Reaching down allows us to make a positive impact on others’ lives and contribute to their growth and success. Reaching down is also accepting the risk (and dare I say, expecting) that those will help today might exceed us tomorrow.

By both reaching up and reaching down, we create an environment of learning, growth, and support. We expand our own knowledge and skills by seeking experience of others, while contributing to the lives of those who may benefit from our knowledge and experience. This mutual support fosters personal development, builds meaningful relationships, and creates a positive ripple effect in both our own lives and the lives of others. From a team perspective, everyone benefits. We learn and grow together.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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