Trust in the process.

I believe in the interconnectedness of people.  Call it “God”.  Call it “quantum physics”.  I believe in the Spiritual.  Thus, I believe in Purpose—a divine and/or necessary role that we all play in the Universe.  As a result, I believe that we are where we need to be for this moment.

It may not feel like it is where we need to be.  It may be the last place on earth where we want to be, but it is where we need to be and/or where someone or some others need us to be.

I am reminded of Arthur Ashe’s response when, as a hemophiliac who contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion, he was asked if he ever posed the question: “Why me?”  He responded: “If I were to say, ‘God, why me?’ about the bad things, then I should have said, ‘God, why me?’ about the good things that happened in my life.”  Whatever the circumstances, trust that you are where you need to be.  Trust in the process.  Expect that good will come—no matter what the personal pain.

I may not seem like the most suitable person to speak on this topic.  While far from charmed, my life has not been wrought with challenges and despair.  I have known people who have suffered through far more than any should have to endure.  I cannot speak to their experiences.  I can, however, speak to the profound impact that these have had on me and countless others.  I am a different—a better—person because of them.

Don’t dismiss the impact that you are having on others.  Realize that our lives are weaving an intricate tapestry, the image of which has yet to be revealed.

Great or small, the events in our interconnected lives are meaningful.  They might seem meaningless at the moment, but trust in the process.

It isn’t always about us.  There may be times when we will stumble for the sake of others and vice versa.  Look neither up with jealousy or envy nor down with contempt or superiority.  Instead, look for the opportunity.  Be grateful in the moment. Carpe momento!

“Failure keeps you humble and Success keeps you glowing, but only Faith & Attitude Keeps you going.”—Arthur Ashe

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