
“And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14, NIV)

I haven’t read the Book of Esther often, but I read this verse today.  It struck me as timely and insightful.  This is carpe momento.  This is what it means to “trust your path”.  It is a message of which I need to be constantly reminded.

Our circumstances may be great or be a highly functional vacuum cleaner, but, either way, they are an opportunity.  We simply do not know the impact of our circumstances.  For who knows but that we might have been placed where we are for a time such as this.  We are called to (extra)ordinary greatness.

I have shared my struggle to understand why I am where I am.  I have concluded that perhaps I am not here for me but for the lives of those I affect—my family, my students, my friends, my neighbors, etc.  As well, I am where I am for the people who affect me.  Who knows why we have come to a time such as this.

The degree to which we are all connected never ceases to amaze me.  It is gratifying to know that I am not just ambling through life as the clod that I am.  It inspires me to think that every interaction has meaning and purpose.  That every encounter has an effect.  We are subsequently affecting others and being affected by others.  Every moment is an opportunity.  And what a blessed opportunity it is to be where we are.

I have not lived the kind of circumstances that some have lived that would cause me to question my words.  I have, however, been on the spectator side of some very horrific experiences—things no one should ever have to suffer.  It may not be obvious to those who were struggling, but their strength and example did not go unseen.  While a bitter pill to swallow, I am confident that they came to a time as this for me and countless others.  We can ask why, but I don’t expect an answer.  We can, however, learn.

Where ever you may find yourself, trust your path.  Let no experience be in vain.  Rather accept that we have come to this position for a time such as this.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow!

Carpe momento!

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