Finding your Purpose.

The following is an excerpt from a book, Lessons for Liam, I wrote nearly 12 years ago as we awaited the birth of my son.  I hope he takes it to heart along with the rest of the words I was inspired to write for him. 

“You have a unique, divine Purpose on this earth.  You are not an accident.  You are not a random occurrence.  God knew you in the beginning, and he has a Plan for you.  You exist for a reason.  Seek, find, and live your Purpose….

Each of us is gifted with unique talents and circumstances that prepare us for our Purpose.  Your purpose may be seemingly great or apparently small.  Know, however, that whatever it may appear, it is important.  The world would never be the same without you.  You have a Purpose!   You are an integral piece to the puzzle of man.  God made no mistake in creating you. He makes nothing without significance.  No life is insignificant.  Remember this as you pursue your Purpose.

Some men and women will rise to the ranks of celebrity or historical greatness.  Others live lives of humble circumstance—believing that their lives affect no one.  Know this, that even a simple, anonymous man can affect a multitude.  If given a choice, choice historical greatness over celebrity.  Celebrity is short-lived.  Today’s star is tomorrow’s has-been.  Great men and women leave a legacy.  Great men and women live on for perpetuity in the hearts and souls of the lives they affect.  Great men and women fulfill their Purpose.

You may accomplish things of great historical significance in your lifetime.  Chances are you will do great things of lesser consequence.  Know this, however, that what you do affects someone.  You may never realize the effect that you have on people.  You may quietly affect people or your impact may resonate like a trumpet blast heard ‘round the world.  Your Purpose, great or small, is critical.  Seek to affect history….

Follow the course that God has prepared for you.  Seek his will and your desires will follow.  You cannot run from your Purpose.  You may try, but undoubtedly, it will catch up with you.  Once you have discovered your Purpose, pursue it zealously.  Let it consume you and become your passion.  Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might (Ephesians 9:10).  Be strong and unwavering.  Be a man of character and integrity.  Do not let selfishness or worldly desires detour you from the path that your Purpose has set.  Rather, set your heart on those things from above and pursue the desires of your soul….”

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.  See the Purpose to which you have been called.  Be passionate about your life and the opportunities it presents.

Carpe momento!

“To put away aimlessness and weakness, and to begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment; who make all conditions serve them, and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly, and accomplish masterfully.”—James Allen

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