Scatter flowers.

“Scatter your flowers as you go; you will never go this way again.”–Orison Swett Marden

Orison Swett Marden (1848-1924; founder of SUCCESS magazines) is one of my go-to authors for inspiration. The motivation to scatter flowers speaks to an immediate responsibility. There is an old maxim: “stop and smell the roses.” This, of course, we should do—take time to delight in the moment; but this speaks only to the needs of the self. We should take time to enjoy our surroundings, to breathe in the beauty around us, and, simply be present in the moment. We cannot, however, remain alone in the moment. To be well-centered, we must consider the combined importance of the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, and social. (Extra)ordinary success occurs when we live fully and beyond our self.

I had lived in Oregon for several years before I noticed the smell of pine needles in the fall rain. I am sure that it was a day in which I was exceptionally well-centered. I was driving near our home after a light rain (nothing uncommon for me in Oregon). The needles from the trees were covering the road, and, as I drove over them, they released their distinct, pleasant fragrance. It occurred to me that “this is what it means to ‘stop and smell the roses.’” Unfortunately, I am not in that moment as often as I would prefer. It is remarkable when we are in such a moment, but it is more important what we do all along our path.

It is important that we not only “smell the flowers, but we must also “scatter” the flowers. As life is a journey, we will, indeed, “never go this way again.” We must, then, seize every moment. In the moment, we have a choice: scatter flowers or sow discord. I am all too slow to learn, but I am learning that it is better that I offer others that which I most need rather than attempt to demand or take what I need. If I am discouraged, iI am better to offer encouragement. If I am hurt, I am better to offer forgiveness. If I am angry, I am better to offer a smile. When I am with a pleasant spirit, I am well to share the mood—to scatter my flowers.

Life is too short to squander our time. When we strive to be well-centered, we gather flowers, take the moment to smell them, and scatter them. To simply keep the flowers for ourselves may well bless us physically and emotionally. This may relax us and help to focus our intellect and spirit. It may also elevate our mood and benefit us socially, but we are never wholly centered until we “scatter” our flowers.

We are at our best when we are focused on the impact that we have (can have) on others. We are never fully ourselves until we are adding value to others. Whatever our position in life, we have the capacity to affect the lives we touch in the most extraordinary ways. We touch more people than we realize, as we go through our days. That impact will be perceived as either a positive or a negative. The choice is entirely ours. Will we lift up and edify (and in the process motivate ourselves)? Or will we (intentionally or unintentionally) dampen the spirit of others (and further discourage ourselves)?

Consider these as you go about your journey, today. Are you scattering your flowers or missing the opportunity to add incredible value to others?

Carpe momento!

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