Did you see the blessings in 2020?

I friend again shared a meme she had shared at the start of 2020. It read: “Train yourself to see the blessing in everything.” Little had she known what 2020 would have in store. Certainly, we all had the opportunity to “see the blessing” in adversity this year. The question remains for our reflection: Did we??

I have long appreciated the quote attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche: “That which does not kill me makes me stronger.” It has become a bit of a mantra in times of adversity. It has helped me move life’s challenges (great and small) from adversity to opportunity.

As an exercise physiologist, I know that physiological growth comes from that which loads a system to a level greater than that to which one is accustomed—referred to as the “overload principle.” Likewise, we grow Spiritually, Intellectually, Emotionally, and Socially when we are challenged beyond our comfort level. For most, 2020 presented many unique “overloads” to our well-centeredness.

Indeed, the challenges of 2020 cannot be dismissed. Many lost loved ones and many more suffered physically and financially at the hand of COVID-19. Twenty-twenty was overwhelming in many regards. If we have survived the year, however, we must take pause and ask ourselves how it has grown us. How are we better today than we were yesterday?—than we were in 2019? This is an important question to ask before we enter into 2021.

We tend to hope that, as if by some miracle, everything will change at the stroke of midnight on January 1. It can, of course, if we choose to change, but it won’t if we continue in our same patterns and if we neglect to acknowledge the effects of the present year. “Train yourself to see the blessing in everything.”

“Blessing” is quite subjective. Thus, most of us miss out on knowing how truly blessed we are.

“Blessing” is opportunity realized. It is seeing challenges and adverse circumstances as life-changing events. It is seeing these as growth opportunities.

Take time in the days that remain in 2020 to examine the events of the year and to consider how you are better today because of them. Undoubtedly, you have a (or can have) a new perspective on your life—your circumstances, your relationships, your health, etc.—as a result of your experiences in 2020.

It is never too late to “train yourself to see the blessing in everything.” Begin today, if you have yet to have trained yourself, and the new year begins today.

Acknowledge how you have been blessed in 2020. True, it will be harder for some than for others. When we have truly trained ourselves to see the blessing in everything, we will begin to see the positive correlation between adversity and blessing—that is, we will see the opportunity for blessing.

Blessings in 2021. Moreover, blessings in today.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!!

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