Will tomorrow (next year) be any different?

Many seem to be expecting some miraculous change in the world when the clock strikes midnight and the year becomes 2021. The reality is that it is just another turn of the earth and a number on a calendar. It does, however, provide a mile-marker of opportunity.

While we should not wait for a new year to make resolutions to change, the new year is traditionally the mark of a new beginning. So, what will be different in 2021? Well, that is up to you and me.

Change does not simply happen. Growth does not come without effort. Resolving to change does not make it so. (The long list of failed New Year Resolutions supports this.) Growth and change are incremental. Before looking forward, look back at how much (or how little) you accomplished in 2020. You are likely surprised by how much you have grown.

Now, as we look forward, have a plan. It is not enough to say: “I resolve to….” There needs to be a plan. Baby steps. Take control and act. No one can change what is out of there control. Determine over what you can have control and seize the opportunity. Take each day in 2021 and resolve to…

Be your best today and be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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