Time for a new coat of paint?

Sometimes, we just need a little change. I have written before about the idea of an “environment of excellence.” I associated this with the key people around whom one surrounds one’s self—including the idea of a mastermind group. People, though, are only a part of our environment for (extra)ordinary success.

Wherever you are reading this, take a look around. Does the space you are in inspire you? If you could change it, what would you change?

Our attitude is shaped by wall color, furnishings, décor, music, people, etc. If you are uninspired by your surroundings, your performance will certainly suffer.

I wrote recently about my move from Michigan to Oregon and the negative feelings that evolved. I considered how I had convinced myself that my circumstances had diminished my capacity to be impactful.

The move was a big change. We saw it as an opportunity, but I also began to dwell on the opportunities that were left behind. You know how we tend to start thinking that “the grass is greener”? Well, that was literally one of the thoughts that crossed my mind. My yard in Michigan was meticulous. (I took pride in mowing stripes in my grass—to the point that I tried to line them up such that they would pass through the house, and, when I mowed the grass for our neighbor across the street, they lined up with hers, as well. I was/am a bit compulsive.) Our lawn in Oregon is not quite as nice. The weather and clay soil challenge my desire for a “perfect” lawn. It always seems too wet or too dry. I have accepted my new lawn, but there remained cause for comparisons.   One particular comparison is the houses.

Our house in Michigan was a beautiful new custom farm-style house. It was big and well constructed. Ii had a basement that was half finished and half unfinished. In the unfinished area, I had a spacious well-equipped home gym. Our home in Oregon is about 25 years old and needed some immediate up-grades. We’ve put on a new roof, changed the exterior color, removed some trees, replaced the deck, added a patio, did some landscaping, and have painted some of the interior, but….

My current gym? Well, basements are pretty much non-existent here. So, my gym now takes up about half the space I had in Michigan and is housed in the garage.

Recently, we undertook a remodel of the dated kitchen, replaced the railing to the upstairs, and resurfaced the floors in the kitchen and living/dining room. Coincident with my renewed focus on my growth plan, these changes have sparked my creativity and enthusiasm for being where I am today.

It should not take a complete makeover of your home, but small changes in your environment can have a dramatic effect on your demeanor. Even a simple tidying of one’s work space can affect productivity.

So, look around. What does your space need? Organization? Pictures of the family? An inspirational poster or quote on the wall? A cheerful coat of paint? What will create a well-centered work space or living space for you?

Our environment should reflect our core values and mission statement. It should refresh us and inspire us. Our environment sets the tone for our day. It determines whether we are creative or uninspired. It determines whether we are productive or simply passing the time.

Do you exercise or want to exercise? (You should, by the way!) Is the environment conducive to your success? Are you listening to upbeat and energetic music? Do the surroundings make you want to exercise? (My home gym is not my ideal, but I make it work, and it is functional, albeit tight spaced. I make up for the lack of space with an excellent workout music mix on Spotify.)

If you are falling short in your growth plan or simply feeling on the successful side of mediocre, or if you just need a boost in morale, change your environment. Make some small change today and observe the compounding effect. Let your space excite you. Let your space be (extra)ordinary! Let is bring out your best, today! Eliminate the elements of your environment that feed your negativity. Let your environment speak to the opportunities that are before you.

Carpe momento!

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