Lessons for Liam–Finding Your Purpose.

LESSON 4–Finding Your Purpose

To put away aimlessness and weakness, and to begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment; who make all conditions serve them, and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly, and accomplish masterfully.James Allen, As A Man Thinketh, p. 32.

      You have a unique, divine Purpose on this earth. You are not an accident. You are not a random occurrence. God knew you in the beginning, and he has a Plan for you. You exist for a reason. Seek, find, and live your Purpose.

You may discover your Purpose early in life, or you might spend much of your lifetime finding it. Be attuned to God, those of us who love you, and your own instincts. Do this and you will find and fulfill your purpose.

Each of us is gifted with unique talents and circumstances that prepare us for our Purpose. Your Purpose may be seemingly great or apparently small. Know, however, that whatever it may appear, it is important. The world would never be the same without you. You have a Purpose! You are an integral piece to the puzzle of man. God made no mistake in creating you. He makes nothing without significance. No life is insignificant. Remember this as you pursue your Purpose.

Some men and women will rise to the ranks of celebrity or historical greatness. Others live lives of humble circumstance—believing that their lives affect no one. Know this, that even a simple, anonymous man can affect a multitude. If given a choice, choice historical greatness over celebrity. Celebrity is short-lived. Today’s star is tomorrow’s has-been. Great men and women leave a legacy. Great men and women live on for perpetuity in the hearts and souls of the lives they affect. Great men and women fulfill their Purpose.

You may accomplish things of great historical significance in your lifetime. Chances are you will do great things of lesser consequence. Know this, however, that what you do affects someone. You may never realize the effect that you have on people. You may quietly affect people, or your impact may resonate like a trumpet blast heard ‘round the world. Your Purpose, great or small, is critical. Seek to affect history.

I have often had personal dreams of greatness. I have been frequently frustrated by the fact that I have not acquired great wealth or fame. All of us dream of being famous and wanting of nothing. Reality is that few ever become a household name or amass great fortune. For me, I have resolved to be an integral part of another’s greatness. As a college professor, I am in an ideal position to accomplish this. I have numerous students comment after graduation on the affect that I have had in their academic careers—and lives. Such students inspire me. Yes, I have the opportunity to affect lives. What a great and awesome Purpose. A handful of my students have gone on to medical school. Who can say that a life may one day be saved, or a disease cured, because I helped awaken an interest in anatomy or pathophysiology in a student and encouraged their success? That life may be saved or that disease cured not by a student I directly affected, but by some several degrees removed. There is validity to the concept of “six degrees of separation.” This is far better than single-handed accomplishment. To affect lives in such a way that you affect others exponentially if far greater than a shooting star that burns brightly for a moment and fades into distant memory. Seek to affect lives. Fulfill your Purpose and, in so doing, affect the multitudes.

Follow the course that God has prepared for you. Seek his will, and your desires will follow. You cannot run from your Purpose. You may try, but undoubtedly, it will catch up with you. Once you have discovered your Purpose, pursue it zealously. Let it consume you and become your passion. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might (Ephesians 9:10). Be strong and unwavering. Be a man of character and integrity. Do not let selfishness or worldly desires detour you from the path that your Purpose has set. Rather, set your heart on those things from above and pursue the desires of your soul.

Purpose is a strange thing. For many, it brings personal satisfaction and material reward. For some, it bears tremendous burden and pain. For most, it is a seemingly indistinguishable existence. Whatever your lot, accept it, for it is for a Purpose greater than your own. Your Purpose was determined from the beginning that God’s Plan might be fulfilled.

Many might argue that in some life there is no value. Our society argues on the right of a woman to abort an unwanted fetus. People argue on the rights of an individual to end his or her own life or withdraw life-support from another. We look at a child, confined to a wheelchair, void of any ability to communicate, and questions the worth of such a life. We value some life over others, foolishly believing that one is more significant than another. Son, don’t fall into this trap. Know that in everyone lies the seed of an acorn that bears our destiny. A life may seem insignificant on the surface. It may have no impact on your directly, but for someone it is critical to their Purpose. We are all intimately woven together, defining one another; affecting one another. In the previous lesson, I wrote of the reasons for trials and difficulties in our lives. Know that these play a role in our Purpose. For many noble beings, suffering for the strengthening of others is their Purpose. Value the life of these more than the shooting stars. Take care to recognize the role that these individuals play in developing your character and defining your Purpose.

Fortunately, man is, overall, a compassionate being. Unlike the rest of the animal kingdom that leaves the weak and frail for dead, man values life. We seek to sustain life. This is evidence of the spirit in man that separates him from the beast. It is this spirit in man—one’s soul—that holds the key to one’s Purpose. Let this be your guide.

Kayaking and whitewater rafting have shown me great lessons about life. Briefly, the water, like our purpose, carries us forward to our ultimate destination. The river is at times calm and gentle flowing. At other times it is a torrent, flowing violently downstream. Either can be a pleasant experience when approached correctly. When life—like the river—becomes rough, approach with caution. Rely on your guide to help you negotiate the rapids. Listen carefully you your guide and follow their instructions.

You will have many guides in life. They may be in the form of a spiritual leader, or they may be the inner voice of consciousness—call it your guardian angel, intuition, or collective conscience. Whatever the form or venue, they will speak to your and guide you to your Purpose.

Rely on your guide. There will be times when your “gut” speaks to your heart. You will know whether you are traveling down the right path. Rely on intuition. Experience has shown me that trusting in your instinct will reveal your path.

Go to God often in prayer. Let his Word be your guide. Ultimately, he is the guiding force in your life. He determined your Purpose from the beginning. Working all things together for good in your life and will finish what he has started.

Some will try to detour you from your Purpose. There will be deceiving voices that will distract you. They will tell you anything to keep you from your Purpose. Do not listen to the voices of fear and doubt. A strong and wise man rigorously excludes fear and doubt from his thoughts. James Allen wrote: “They who have no central purpose in their life fall easy prey to petty worries, fears, troubles, and self-pityings, all of which are indications of weakness, which lead, just as surely as deliberately planned sins (though by a different route), to failure, unhappiness, and loss, for weakness cannot persist in a power-evolving universe” (As A Man Thinketh, p. 30).

Be a man of integrity and character. Seek discipline and self-control. Be selfless and consider the welfare of others. Place God first in your life and family and friends second. Understand that others, likewise, have a Purpose—encourage them. Seek good will and peace. Trust in God and trust in yourself. Do not be discouraged. Do not grow weary of well-doing. Listen to your inner voice. Consider the advice of others. Learn, experience, and reflect. Be aware of and develop your talents. Share your spiritual gifts and nurture the gifts and talents of others. Drive out fear and doubt. Do not worry excessively and align your thoughts with success. Do these things and you will fulfill your Purpose.

I can’t help but feel in my heart that my greatest Purpose is in you—that the greatest gift I can give to the world is a son who has integrity and compassion. My imperfect father passed on many life lessons to me that have served me well. Though I, too, am imperfect and have not always done that which I know to do, I have an opportunity in you to sow seeds of greatness—to prepare you for what I know is a great Purpose.

Son, you may become a powerful figure in the world, or you may be a man of common standing. It doesn’t matter, as long as you find and fulfill your Purpose—that you dedicate your life to the service of others. Be a godly man. Be humble and wise. Love God and love your neighbor. Do harm to no one. Think big. Determine your Purpose and set out to accomplish it. Let no one stand in your way. As the oak sleeps in the acorn, so, too, does greatness slumber in you. It is your responsibility to awaken it.

Know that the fulfillment of your Purpose will require effort. It will require sacrifice. Your Purpose is your birthright. It was determined from the beginning. Claim it.

Carpe momento!!

© W. Jeffrey Armstrong, 2022

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